Restarting Events Safely

Restarting Events, Conferences & Exhibitions

As events start to return, there are clear guidelines for organisers to follow to ensure the safety of event attendees, contractors and staff when restarting events safely. To help make sense of things, we have summarised some helpful information below.

What is the All Secure Standard for events?

The All Secure Standard has been set up by industry bodies to provide a framework that event organisers can work within to deliver events, exhibitions and conferences safely. As well as some clear guidance, it offers things that should be considered alongside risk assessments. As with all UK Health & Safety legislation, no-one will tell you what to do. But as an event organiser, you need to be sure that you have assessed your activities and adhered to the relevant guidance.

Using Event Tech for COVID-Safe Events

Event technology has always played a key role in the planning of conferences and exhibitions. But now, it is a vital tool in restarting events safely. This includes:

- Event Registration System

A robust and secure event registration system should be used to keep track of who is expected to attend any exhibition or conference. You should collect contact details for track & trace requirements.

It is advisable to issue timeslots for arrivals and issue any key information ahead of the day to build confidence and so people know how things will operate on-site. Your registration should be able to issue QR codes so that people can be scanned into the event.

- Contactless Event Check-In

Knowing who might arrive is only part of the picture - you need to know exactly who arrived and when. By issuing a QR code ahead of the day, people can arrive and scan themselves into the event without touching anything. Avoid touchscreens or other touch points so as to minimise risk.

Badges are great for things like personalised agendas, venue maps or vital information. They can be used to tell people which refreshment area to use or auditorium seat numbers. But badges should not be handled by anyone other than the delegate. Have them print as people scan in at the event and allow delegates to fit their own lanyards.

- Digital Badges for Exhibitions

If you prefer not to use physical badges, issue a digital badge ahead of the day and people can use their mobile phones to engage with the event. As well as scanning in and out of the venue, digital badges can be used for lead scanners, session tracking and gamification.

- Contactless Badge Scanning and Lead Retrieval

Your exhibitors need to be able to make the most of the exhibition and lead scanners can be used as part of your Coronavirus-Safe event planning. Any lead scanners issued to exhibitors must be sterile and so a good hygiene process is required.

Better still, use a lead retrieval app and let exhibitors and sponsors use their own device or mobile phone. The app should be able to scan badges or QR codes at a safe distance to ensure that social distancing can be maintained throughout your exhibition area.

- Venue Capacity Monitoring Systems

Some venues have already installed capacity monitoring systems but it is important for you to ensure that you can track and manage venue capacity easily. This could be by simply using a clicker counter or you could use a more tech based solution. Capacity monitoring is also really useful for you as you will have a solid record of who went where and when, which is invaluable when it comes to post-event analysis and reporting.

- Delegate Tracking and Session Scanning

If you track attendees into conference sessions or areas of the venue, you can achieve several things. As well as capacity monitoring, you can check the validity of a pass to attend a session and you can retain a record of which aspects of your event were attended by who. Tracking Scanners can either be operated by staff at a safe distance or delegates can scan themselves by using contactless badge scanners.

- Track & Trace Reporting for Events

Events have the distinct advantage in that if you implement all of the above, your event will have Track & Trace built in at a deep level. You will be able to report on who was on site at the same time as anyone else, what rooms people shared and any likely close contact.


The hope is that rapid testing and the vaccination programme will soon render the above obsolete, but until then, it is important for all event planners to understand how to make their event COVID-Secure.

There is a lot of change going on in the event industry right now, but getting live events back on the road is critical. Not only for the event industry, but for the economy as a whole. Events drive the economy and when done in a COVID-Secure way, they can be delivered confidently and safely.

Get in touch today for more information or for a no-obligation proposal.

For help implementing COVID-Secure measures at your exhibition or conference, please do get in touch with the UK Event Registration Experts.


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Event Connections provide exceptional event registration and delegate management services to event, conference and exhibition organisers.

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